Sally Galloway
Sally’s barbershop journey started early, humming the baritone line along to her mom’s quartet rehearsals before officially joining Sweet Adelines at 13 and later BHS in 2013. With a BA in Music, a master’s in Music Education, and decades as a massage therapist and certified life/health coach, she blends her love of harmony, empowerment, and coaching to help others find their voices—both in singing and in life. She has directed and taught choirs, private voice lessons, and mentored small choruses in building their identity, leadership, and musical excellence.
Sally has sung with 15 barbershop choruses and a dozen quartets across the US and England, also serving as a certified director, section leader, assistant director, and choreography coach. She helped prepare the Pride of Baltimore Chorus for the International stage, directs the BHS Old Dominion Chorus, and currently sings bass while serving on the Performance Team for Parkside Melody. She is also VP of the Central Division of the Mid-Atlantic District and a faculty member at Harmony College East, where she teaches yoga for singers and the psychological aspects of performance. A certified professional coach since 2001, she helps people nationwide manage stress, anxiety, and depression, while her international private practice specializes in helping singers overcome performance anxiety, boost confidence, and make music more fun.
Passionate about personal growth, Sally thrives on helping people unlock their confidence—whether through singing, coaching, or personal transformation. She’s fascinated by mind-body connections, energy work, and positive psychology, which influence her coaching style. A lifelong teacher and creator, she designs workshops, retreats, and frameworks to help others learn and thrive. She also secretly loves geeking out over details, from chord analysis to foreign-language pronunciation to which spices enhance foods' flavors and healing properties. With her warm, energetic, and supportive approach, Sally makes every interaction an adventure in growth, harmony, and joy.